Digital Kit Design » AG Gondola Racer

Few forms of Anti-Gravity (AG) racing can compete with the thrill of watching pilots bank and spin their colorful Gondola Racers through circuits filled with towering obstacles and tight turns, all at breakneck speed! I was inspired to create this anti-gravity racing vehicle by the game WipeOut for the Playstation…

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Digital Kit Design » The Mattone

The Mattone, Italian for “brick”, is a small, light-weight anti-gravity cycle vaguely resembling an old-school digital camera, which I designed to be used with 1/6 scale figures as an accessory. I wanted something that could look interesting as a set-piece in a small vignette or as a piece of equipment…

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My 3D Printable Kit Designs on Patreon

I would had posted this sooner, but I’ve been really busy. For those that don’t know, I started a FichtenFoo Patreon back in January 2021. The focus of it content-wise is my original 3D printable model kit designs. For $15/month you can download that months printable kit file-packs and print…

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Completed » Errgan [1:6 Original Figure]

I decided that it would be fun to explore the Star Wars universe and aesthetic by creation some of my own original creature and character designs that were never in any movie. My first original figure with that goal in mind is Errgan, a hairy walrus-seal like alien. Due to…

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Completed » Gaslands-Styled Hotwheels Cars

Last year I decided to do some Gaslands cars using Hotwheels cars I picked up. I still haven’t actually played the game, but repainting and modifying these little cheap cars is pretty satisfying on its own! Here are the first 4 that I did last year. I’ll do more in…

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