Completed » Martian Light Hovertank

The 1/35 scale Martian Light Hovertank is all done and I finished it a day before deadline. Yay me! Anyway, enjoy the images and keep an eye out for this kit when it hits the Mig Productions website and hobby shops in December. If you get it and build one,…

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Completed » Y-Wing [Green Two]

The Y-Wing is complete. The plan is for this to be part of a larger diorama down the road, so not a ton of images or a detailed base. The base is the stock one that came with the kit spray painted in matte black. The last step was to…

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Completed » Dagobah Diorama

Well, it’s finally all done. Only 5 months of off-and-on work so not too bad. Now I just need to figure out shipping via an art shipping firm and pray that it arrives safely. Here’s the final images:

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Completed » Hardboiled AFS

About The Build » So I heard about a MaK contest coming up whose deadline is the 12th of January. When did I find out? I think it was December 28th or so. Oops! I thought for a few days that it was too bad since that would be fun…

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Completed » Astraea Type F

About The Build » I’ve been wanting to paint something in pink for a while now, but aside from perhaps the Infinite Justice, I couldn’t decide what else might look good. Then I picked up the Astraea Type F and it looked perfect for a pink-build! The kit itself was…

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Completed » Overflag X2

About The Builds » A while back the same client that commissioned the Hi-Zack and Strike Noir from me also asked me to do an Overflag in red… a Red Baron of sorts. I figured that I might as well do my kit at the same time and knock them…

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