Kind of in a Star Wars kick at the moment thanks to Rogue One looking so promising. I rather liked a few stills I initially saw of a platoon of Stormtroopers wading through shallow tropical ocean water and thought “that’d be interesting to make”. I already had a pair of…
Every once in a while, one embarks on an epic project. Most of the time these tend to fall to the wayside, but occasionally one of them gets finished. This is one such project! Years ago, Jason Eaton challenged me to work on an up-scaled version of one of the…
It occurred to me that while I’ve taken this finished example of my second Fish-Shaped Submerible (Buy The Kit Here) to several shows to display on my Industria Mechanika sales table, I’ve never taken actual final images of it. Silly me! I completed this piece back in 2013. This one…
Wings, wings, wings…. I mentioned in my “Fallen One” custom figure description how I’ve got a small obsession with them. This figure puts the wings on the arms as they are on birds and bats to create a unique weapon system. Combined with the creepieness of a barn owl shaped…
I love un-fixed wings… ornithopters, birds, insects… I just can’t get enough. So I decided to try my hand once again at making a good set of feather-style wings. I have so many prototyped designs (digital and physical) that I’ve never shown off due to the degree of difficulty involved…
I’ve been wanting to do a lush redwood forest scene ever since I acquired these Bandai 1/12 scale Scout Trooper w/ Speeder Bike kits. There’s so much detail that can be done and a well-done base can really sell the realism on a kit. The kit itself is pretty nice….