Custom Clear Colors

I’ve been wondering for quite some time as to how to make a decent custom clear color for candy coats. My goal was to replace my Tamiya Clear colors with something that goes on as nice as Future Floor Acrlyic. I experimented with Future + Colored Higgins Inks, but they…

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Making and Painting Lenses and Eyes

How do I paint the lenses and eyes on my kits? This topic has been brought up at message boards and I’ve gotten quite a few e-mails about it. So since I was taking pics for my MG Wing Gundam Ver. Ka., I thought I’d kill two birds and make…

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Clear Coats with Future Floor Acrylic

Here’s another question I get asked a lot in e-mails. How do you flatten Future and what is it? Future Floor acrylic is basically just a clear acrylic that you mop onto your floor to protect it from scratches and scuffs. Somewhere along the line someone figured out you can…

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