
I used to enter my models into competitions occasionally. Below are kits of mine which have placed in various model competitions. The latest are at the top. Gold Medal Best in Sci-Fi Three Rivers (Pittsburgh) IPMS Show March 2006 Gold Medal Three Rivers (Pittsburgh) IPMS Show March 2006 Gold Medal…

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Completed » Vorflugkontrolle

The Story » “Twenty minutes until commencement of operation! Twenty minutes until commencement of operation!” boomed the voice over the carrier’s intercom. The flight deck personnel hurried around the bay, performing their pre-flight checks and assisting the pilots with boarding their craft. In moments, several squadrons of Fliege and Kauz…

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Custom Clear Colors

I’ve been wondering for quite some time as to how to make a decent custom clear color for candy coats. My goal was to replace my Tamiya Clear colors with something that goes on as nice as Future Floor Acrlyic. I experimented with Future + Colored Higgins Inks, but they…

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LED Links and Info

A few people at the Three Rivers IPMS asked me to do a tutorial on simple LED wiring. First off, I am not an electrician. I have next to no electrical experience whatsoever. Basically, this means that if you have questions about lighting LEDS, I’m probably not the person to…

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Making and Painting Lenses and Eyes

How do I paint the lenses and eyes on my kits? This topic has been brought up at message boards and I’ve gotten quite a few e-mails about it. So since I was taking pics for my MG Wing Gundam Ver. Ka., I thought I’d kill two birds and make…

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Clear Coats with Future Floor Acrylic

Here’s another question I get asked a lot in e-mails. How do you flatten Future and what is it? Future Floor acrylic is basically just a clear acrylic that you mop onto your floor to protect it from scratches and scuffs. Somewhere along the line someone figured out you can…

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