Completed » The Mosquito

About The Kit » The Mosquito started out as just a random project while waiting for another Raiden to arrive for a diorama. I had a few Me-109’s I’d aquired and no desire to build them as-is. So I started messing with the parts and came up with the Mosquito….

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In Progress » Junker Plane ‘Mosquito’

02.19.2006» Concepts / Intro Well, now I have 2 projects on hold so I’ve randomly decided to start a 3rd. This started out as a German Me-109 for an IPMS Group Build where you could basically do anything you wanted to a 109 as long as it resembled a 109…

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Completed » Russian KV-2

About The Kit » I saw this kit in primer at an IPMS chapter meeting and immediately ordered one from our club store. My first thought was to turn it into a robot, but I decided to actually build a tank as a tank. Weird concept eh? I’m glad I…

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Completed » Santa Armored Fighting Suit

Story » Just like the Marines of today and their “Toys for Tots” program, the Mercenaries of Earth’s distant future too have their holiday gift-giving traditions. With his red “suit” and large belly, Santa still visits Earths children on Christmas. The times nessecitate him to be a little more armored,…

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Completed » The Ledgend of Bloodwind

The Story » He had once been an orphen. His family was attacked by a group of bandits only days after arriving on the colony planet known as Earth. Their bodies torn to shreads, their home burned to the ground. A traveling group of monks found him not long after,…

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In Progress » The Legend of Bloodwind

05.09.05 » Story He had once been an orphen. His family was attacked by a group of bandits only days after arriving on the colony planet known as Earth. Their bodies torn to shreads, their home burned to the ground. A traveling group of monks found him not long after,…

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