Completed* » Custom 1/6 WipEout Feisar Pilot

One of my 2020 projects that I have yet to take final photos of but is worth showing off is this 1/6 scale female Fiesar-themed pilot from the AG racing game WipEout. The game never shows the pilots so it was all left up to my own imagination to design…

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Completed » The Fox, Scrounger of the Waste

Since I had my photography stuff all set up, I figured I’d better take some shots of figures I worked on but never took final images of. The first is this 1/6 scale female figure. Not my best work, but a good learning experience. I showed off progress of her…

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In Progress » Alien Woman Bust » Smoothing Details

Here’s yesterdays progress. Smoothed out the wrinkly skin with a soft brush loaded with Turpenoid then added crosshatched skin texture. It’s faint so doesn’t show up in these images due to the shine left behind by the turp. Looks great in person though. Capilaries and veiny detail was made by…

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In Progress » Alien Woman Bust » Initial Sculpting

The other day I got an interesting proposition from a woman who I have been waiting to buy a purebred Siamese kitten from. She’s apparently into Gothic,Giger, and alien/mutated-human-styled artwork and whatnot and asked if I would consider creating an original small sculpture for her in exchange for a pair…

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