Reserve Your First Edition Hornethopter Now!

The Hornethopter is in production! After getting all of my costs info, crunching numbers, drinking some tea, etc, I can announce that the Hornethopter will cost $80 + Shipping. I had hoped for a smaller cost, but there’s a LOT more PE to this design than the fish sub as well as extra included materials such as the plastic sheet and glass cabochon for the eyes.

How To Reserve Your Copy / Preorder »

Fill out the following email form to reserve your copy (copies) of the Hornethopter. Please fill out all fields. I accept Paypal for payments. I’ll reply to let you know I got your email. Please add that address to your *NOT spam* filter so that when I send out payment request invoices they don’t get lost. (that was an issue with the fish-subs) I’ll send out a payment request when everything is boxed and ready to go. If you change your mind, please let me know so I can remove you from the list and move up the next people in line. Thanks!!!

[contact-form 3 “Hornethopter Preorder”]

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