In Progress » Clayface » Taking Shape and New Face

The face was bothering me. There was something not quite right about it, plus my youngest thought it was a frog. “Time to redo that” I said and began making a new head separately as to not mess up the existing one needlessly. I gathered more images of clayface from the web for reference and started sculpting. When satisfied, I cut off the old head and added/blended in the new one. Aside from that I’ve gotten nearly all of it bulked out and am in the process of roughing out the detail. I still need to decide what I want the hammer to look like. Cylindar, rectangle, ball pien, hatchet? So many choices, but I’m leaning towards a long rectangular box or hatchet head. Both of those will have hard 90 degree angled edges that will contrast the organic goopy clay nicely. Anyway, here’s the pics:




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