Completed » Ex-S Gundam Crimson Iota

About The Look » Originally, I was going to do this kit in red instead of the blue-violet, but after playing around with my color scheme, the blue-violet just seemed to fit this kit very well. Plus I’d seen it done in red a few times and while it was…

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In Progress » The Crimson Iota EX-S Gundam

05.10.04 » Concept Work For my next project, I’ll be tackling the Master Grade EX-S Gundam. It’s a rather large and “partsy” kit. I don’t think I’ll be doing anything modification-wise to this piece. I may add some LEDs, but other than that, it’ll be OOB. (out of box) Best…

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Completed » The Green Plate Special

About the Build » The GreenPlate Special is complete. This has to be my most bold, creative and best piece to date. It’s currently my favorite. At least until the next kit. Ha! The ‘GPS’ is a basic build with seams sanded and puttied. Originally I had painted it in…

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Completed » S-Gundam

About the Build » This was the second kit that I recieved for Christmas. Thanks Rachel! This kit took me almost a month to complete. I decided to stray from the “normal” color scheme for this kit. I’m glad that I did because I love the final results! Unfortunatly, this…

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Completed » Full Armor ZZ Gundam

About the Build » I ordered this kit in August, but couldn’t build it until November because we moved. I can’t complain though because I’ve got a lot more room to work on kits now. Anyway, this was the first kit that I tried to shade with an airbrush. I’d…

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