You can now order my latest walking tank design from Mig Productions. It comes in two flavors as usual… a flame thrower turret or the standard cannon turret. The price is 58,00EUR and you can convert that here.
I applied the pigments the other day and made a new base so this build is done! The other base was not wide enough so a new one was required… the 38t(x) has a leg-span of about 6″ and the old base was done on a 4″ box. Doh! The…
I skipped over a few steps with the photography, but I can describe them here. When I left off it was time for additional modulation, but this time with oils. Using 502 Abteilung oil paint I highlighted and darkened areas to give them more depth. The colors I used for…
Continuing with where I left off, I applied some liquid mask over the decals then I applied a coat of hairspray to all of the gray parts and let that dry. Over that I sprayed Tamiya Buff, then used a lightened Buff to do some light modulation/gradation. After a few…
“Not back on it, still on it.” I got my first sample of the 38t(x) from Mig Productions a few days ago to work up for the box art. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about this project so seeing it in this state was pretty exciting. The casting…
The Hover Tank is up and ready to be ordered! Check out the Mig Productions International store here. US buyers should keep an eye out on the Mig USA store here. If you get it and build it, let me know! I’ll post an image up here on my site.