It took a little longer than I had planned but I’ve finally took completed images of Alb-Lab’s Markov Racer. As seen in the in-progress posts below, this particular racer was sponsored by this very website! Pretty swanky eh? You know you’ve made it when you can sponsor an anti-gravity racing…
Been a few weeks since I touched this or updated, but I wanted to show the progress so far. Since the last update I first applied about 5 layers of Future then after a week of curing I used 6000, then 8000 grit micromesh to wet-sand it to a nice…
Markov progress continues with paint and primer. I initially primed all of the parts in Duplicolor Self-Etching primer in order to bite into the resin better than normal primer. Then I buffed that with some very fine steel wool. Once nice and smooth I applied a Mr. Retarder’d layer of…
About the Build » This was the second kit that I recieved for Christmas. Thanks Rachel! This kit took me almost a month to complete. I decided to stray from the “normal” color scheme for this kit. I’m glad that I did because I love the final results! Unfortunatly, this…