Once the plaster had dried for the paddlewheel, it was time to start the sand and sea-life. I molded the rippled sand on the base using Ave’s Apoxie sculpt. Ripples were added with various sculpting tools. The warm neutral color of the dried Ave’s was a perfect base for the…
I finished gluing the components of the paddlewheel together the other day using CA gel. It makes for a very interesting set-piece for the sub I think and was pretty fun to make. The difficult part was alignment which was made easier by taping everything onto my print-out and using…
I can’t start on my Fantastical Fish-Shaped Submersible kit yet, but I can start on the scenery to accompany it. I decided a while back that I wanted to do something underwater… a shipwreck of some sort. Initially I was going to do the bow of a pirate ship, but…