Part three of this tutorial series covers painting the gray panels with oil paints. Pardon the stutters in the video. This was take two after a mishap involving oil paint on my favorite jeans and a screw-up trying to use liquid mask which the thinner involved apparently works great at…
Today I applied my second layer of the Discoloration Technique to the Falcon. Usually I only apply one layer, but I really want this to have a lot of depth and a lot of age to the look. First off is part 2 of the video tutorial: httpvh:// And again,…
Moving right along, it’s time for a tutorial on discoloration. I’ve talked about this technique on just about every weathered model I’ve done for the past 6 years or so. It’s fantastic and really gives the surface a beautiful worn appearance. All of these steps add layers of detail, color…
Now that the Tantive IV is done and I’m feeling refreshed and inspired to model again, I’ve come back to the Millenium Falcon build. “Come back” you say? Yeah… I started this in August and got it almost ready for paint, then something happened and I put it aside for…
After some finishing touches, the Tantive IV is all done. As of now, this kit will be on display at Wonderfest in Kentucky this May (2011). If that changes, I’ll let you know. It’s also making a trip to the guy the commissioned it shortly after. So check it out…
My next step in a variation on the “modulation” technique. I’m basically using thin oils to blend in shadows, filter panels, and highlight raised areas give the model a more dimensional look. For this I used Faded Navy Blue, Starship Filth, Dark Rust, Yellow (on certain yellow panels based on…