Next up is the application of oil paint to bring the model to life and give it a worn grimy appearance. For this I used oils from Mip Productions awesome 502 Abteilung line. The colors can be seen in the image below. Basically you take some odorless turpenoid on a…
Since the last update I’ve added more paint details and a few filters to the Y-Wing. First-off I hand-painted more “white” chips onto the green and blue areas. I focused these around the edges of panels to better define them. I sponged on some liquid mask around the engine domes…
Last night I started painting the Y-wing. First I sprayed it all with a thin coat of off-white Tamiya Acrylics. After curing for an hour or so I started masking for the markings. For the straight and curved lines I used 1mm strips of Tamiya Tape. That gave a nice…
As it turns out I have a few weeks before I get my speeders and Hovertank for the commissioned paint-ups. So I figure to kill the time I could probably bust out a 1/72 Fine Molds Y-Wing. I’ve been really inspired by the one that Adam Wilder painted up. Best…
Finally I’ve gotten the hull to a point where I can begin to add detail. First up is the heat radiators and the plate-armor. The armor is .020″ styrene sheet. One of the first items I ever purchased when modeling was a pack of frisket film. It turned out to…
Yesterday I began laminating the outside of the bondo with styrene sheet. I also forgot to mention WHY I did the balls/bondo thing and didn’t just add the styrene over the ribs. Simply enough I’m clumsy and heavy-handed and would had crushed the shell without the underneath support. Plus it…