I recently was commissioned to do a quick paint-up of the 1/350 Scale Radiant VII resin kit. THis will be on the Starship Modeler table at Wonderfest in a few weeks as a sales display so check it out if you’re there. Same techniques I used for the Millennium Falcon…
After some finishing touches, the Tantive IV is all done. As of now, this kit will be on display at Wonderfest in Kentucky this May (2011). If that changes, I’ll let you know. It’s also making a trip to the guy the commissioned it shortly after. So check it out…
My next step in a variation on the “modulation” technique. I’m basically using thin oils to blend in shadows, filter panels, and highlight raised areas give the model a more dimensional look. For this I used Faded Navy Blue, Starship Filth, Dark Rust, Yellow (on certain yellow panels based on…
Continuing on, I applied medium gray chips to the ships hull using first a small piece of sponge, and later a thin brush for larger areas. Then dry I applied a filter of very thin German Ochre oil paint mixed with odorless turpenoid to warm up the base coat. After…
After priming the Tantive IV yesterday, I was able to start painting today. I started off by preshading with a dark gray over all the panel lines and inside of detail areas. Next I sprayed a solid white + a touch of gray mix over that. The preshade barely shows…
I’m baaaaaaaaaack! Hopefully! Been a tad busy with the kids, a trip to Disney World in Florida, video games, freelance, and projects that I’ve been scratching, but are not finished. No finished model kits for 2011 yet and that’s gonna have to change. Don’t want to end up like a…