In Progress » Dagobah Diorama » Trees

It took me a bit to decide just how I wanted to do the trees. My first idea was to mount CPVC in holes and cover them with celluclay/sculpy/whatever. (cpvc because it has a higher tolerance for heat in case of my using sculpy)  Then while doing a plethora of…

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Mig Productions to Produce KV-X2

The saga of producing the KV-X2 is about to come to an end. I have a pretty good relationship with the guys at Mig Productions being a frequent poster and recently the redesigner/technical admin on their forums. After my initial attempt with a poor caster failed, they suggested I give…

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31 Days Contest @ FichtenFooForums

Contest Starts February 21st! If I can do it in 10, you can do it in 31. Our next contest is a speed-build. Take the next week to gather your supplies, kits, materials and ideas. Then on February 21, 2009 we start building. Tools down on March 23rd, 31 days…

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Completed » Hardboiled AFS

About The Build » So I heard about a MaK contest coming up whose deadline is the 12th of January. When did I find out? I think it was December 28th or so. Oops! I thought for a few days that it was too bad since that would be fun…

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