Let’s file this project under “back from the dead”. It’s been a little over 2 years since I’ve last touched this project due to a lack of braided black tubing I wanted to use to cover the internal body instead of the rubber. This fall a friend of mine’s kid…
I received my first Hovertank kit to paint up for the box art, but not before finding out my deadline is the 20th. Yikes! Needless to say that it’s been a busy weekend here in my workshop. (Thanks for understanding Rachel!!!) The Hovertank arrived on Thursday morning (12th) from Adam…
Next up was highlights and shadows. The wash does a lot to bring out the details, but a little extra work will really make them pop. First I used Mig Productions “Wash” to deepen some of the recesses and bring out some details that the first discoloration wash did not….
Last night I started painting the Y-wing. First I sprayed it all with a thin coat of off-white Tamiya Acrylics. After curing for an hour or so I started masking for the markings. For the straight and curved lines I used 1mm strips of Tamiya Tape. That gave a nice…
As it turns out I have a few weeks before I get my speeders and Hovertank for the commissioned paint-ups. So I figure to kill the time I could probably bust out a 1/72 Fine Molds Y-Wing. I’ve been really inspired by the one that Adam Wilder painted up. Best…
For a while now I’ve been mentioning that I had another secret project master sold to Mig Productions, but didn’t have the go-ahead to post about it publicly until now since’ it’s in production. I present to you, the Martian Light Hovertank! When I made my last Martian Hovertank, Mig…