I finished this build up in May, but am REALLY behind on updating this site. This is the Ian McQue Waldo kit I mastered and painted for Industria Mechanika. Resin, photoetch, laser-cut wood and plastic… VERY nice kit if I do say so myself, but I am of course biased….
Decals applied over a gloss coat. Then a satin coat of FFA applied along with a filter of yellow-tan oil paint. Metal: First I applied a satin coat FFA over what I had done in the prior update. Next, when cured I airbrushed on AK-Interactive washes: Dark Brown and Track…
Honestly, since I started Industria Mechanika, I’ve been too busy to keep this site updated. I try, but work comes first. The best place to get updates is of course my facebook page. I have about a years worth of builds that I’ve posted progress for there and need to…