The Hover Tank is Now Available for Ordering!

The Hover Tank is up and ready to be ordered! Check out the Mig Productions International  store here. US buyers should keep an eye out on the Mig USA store here. If you get it and build it, let me know! I’ll post an image up here on my site.

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Completed » Martian Light Hovertank

The 1/35 scale Martian Light Hovertank is all done and I finished it a day before deadline. Yay me! Anyway, enjoy the images and keep an eye out for this kit when it hits the Mig Productions website and hobby shops in December. If you get it and build one,…

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In Progress » Martian Light Hovertank » Painting

I received my first Hovertank kit to paint up for the box art, but not before finding out my deadline is the 20th. Yikes! Needless to say that it’s been a busy weekend here in my workshop. (Thanks for understanding Rachel!!!) The Hovertank arrived on Thursday morning (12th) from Adam…

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Completed » Y-Wing [Green Two]

The Y-Wing is complete. The plan is for this to be part of a larger diorama down the road, so not a ton of images or a detailed base. The base is the stock one that came with the kit spray painted in matte black. The last step was to…

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